Title: The Ivy Portfolio: How to Invest Like the Top Endowments and Avoid Bear Markets

Author: Mebane Faber and Eric Richardson

Messaging and Thesis

The primary message of “The Ivy Portfolio” is to educate individual investors about the investment strategies employed by leading university endowments, such as Harvard and Yale. Authors Faber and Richardson guide readers through these unique strategies to help them make more informed decisions about their investment portfolios.

The thesis of the book revolves around two main concepts:

  1. Adopting the time-tested investment strategies of the Ivy League endowments to achieve superior long-term returns.
  2. Employing simple risk-management techniques to avoid significant losses during bear markets.

The authors emphasize the importance of long-term investing and approachable asset allocation strategies to help protect and grow each investor’s wealth.

Writing Style and Effectiveness

Faber and Richardson exhibit a clear and concise writing style throughout the text, making it accessible for readers of different experience levels. In addition, the authors utilize real-world examples and empirical research to convincingly present valuable evidence that supports their central thesis.

With practical examples and easy-to-understand explanations, the authors efficiently tackle sophisticated strategies without overwhelming the reader. The book maintains a balance between theory and practical advice, which is an effective approach for an investment guide.

Strengths and Weaknesses


  • The book offers a step-by-step guide on implementing the Ivy Portfolio model in individual investments, with detailed recommendations on asset allocation and tailor-made investment solutions for diverse investors.
  • The authors provide relevant case studies and historical data to support their claims and recommendations.
  • Another strong suit of the book is the focus on risk management, ensuring portfolio protection during bear markets.


  • The Ivy Portfolio primarily focuses on the endowment styles of Harvard and Yale. A more comprehensive approach could have provided additional perspectives, including other endowments and diverse investment models.
  • The time frame in which some data is shared may remain irrelevant, and new investors need to validate and adapt the strategies to the market conditions at the time of their investment.

Conclusion and Recommendation

In conclusion, “The Ivy Portfolio” is a well-written and informative guide for individual investors looking to learn from the top endowments’ investment strategies. The authors cover essential concepts like asset allocation, risk management, and long-term investing while providing actionable insights that make the book informative.