As planting season for Upland cotton is underway, we have compiled a list of general planting dates to inform future traders of the typical planting cycle.

Planting Dates for Upland Cotton: Focusing on the Southern States

Upland Cotton is one of the most popular Gossypium varieties grown in the United States, dominating around 95% of production. This high-yielding variety is preferred for its adaptability to diverse climates and environmental conditions. As a result, cotton farming is a critical component of the agriculture industry of the Southern States, including Texas, Georgia, Mississippi, Arkansas, and the Carolinas. This blog will discuss the typical (as best as possible) planting dates for Upland Cotton in these regions.

Factors Affecting Planting Dates

Multiple factors can impact the ideal planting date for cotton, such as:

  • Soil temperature
  • Weather conditions
  • Pest issues
  • Region-specific practices

Upland Cotton generally requires a minimum soil temperature of 60°F (15°C) at a seeding depth of 2 inches for optimal germination.


As the largest cotton-producing state in the US, Texas has varied planting dates due to its vast geographical area and diverse climate conditions.

  • South Texas: Planting typically begins in late February to early March.
  • Central and East Texas: Planting commences in mid-March to mid-April.
  • North Texas: Planting starts in late April to early May.

When determining the ideal planting date in Texas, it is crucial to consider potential pests such as thrips, boll weevils, and nematodes.


In Georgia, the planting window for Upland Cotton usually falls between mid-April and late May. While early planting can help avoid late-season pests, it is essential to ensure that soil temperatures are consistently above 60°F at a depth of 2 inches during these early planting attempts.


Mississippi’s cotton farmers generally start planting in mid-April, as soil temperatures often reach the desired range by this time. However, cotton planted in late April to early May tends to yield higher, attributed to the lower risk of thrips infestations with later planting. Therefore, it is essential to consider the weather, fieldwork conditions, and equipment availability for planning your planting timings in Mississippi.


Cotton growers in Arkansas typically begin planting by mid-April, with most planting completed by the end of May. However, growers should pay particular attention to soil temperature, moisture levels, and the extended weather forecast to identify the best time for planting. Although early planting has benefits in terms of maturity, avoiding overly wet fields and low soil temperatures is crucial.

The Carolinas

  • North Carolina: Ideal planting dates in the North Carolina Piedmont and Coastal Plain regions start mid-April and continue through mid-May. Depending on the prevailing weather conditions, these dates can vary from one year to another.
  • South Carolina: The planting season usually ranges from late April to late May, with proper consideration given to soil temperatures and moisture levels.


The planting dates discussed in this blog are general guidelines and may vary based on the weather, soil type, and other loc-specific conditions. Weather patterns change yearly, and so will the optimal planting dates.

Cotton traders should be mindful of the planting dates when trading in futures. The planting timing can significantly impact cotton output and price movement. Early planting carries the potential for higher yields, but it is vital to match the planting date with environmental conditions such as soil temperature, moisture levels, and pest infestations. By doing so, cotton traders can gain valuable insight into the cotton supply and demand dynamics and make informed decisions, which can ultimately translate into potential profits.